Refund Policy

At we offer a 30 day money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, simply contact us within 30 days of your initial purchase and you’ll receive a full refund of your purchase amount. We allow refunds for almost any reason, and we want you to be happy with your purchase.

Please be aware that if you purchase and refund our products multiple times in a certain time period, we reserve the right to blacklist you from future purchases of our product in order to ensure our refund policy is not abused and we will notify you as such beforehand.

Should you wish to request a refund, please send an email to

Policy Overview

For the vast majority of our members, the refund offer is simple. Ask for a refund in the first 30 days of purchase and we will refund it within a few days.

Please be aware that in order to protect our business and avoid abuse of our policy, below you will find a few terms outlined. Again these will not apply to the vast majority of customers, but you may wish to review these terms before purchase.

We’d like to emphasize these rules aren’t in place to impede your ability to get a refund but rather to stop the abuse of the policy and ensure a fair set of terms for every member.

One-Time Payment Refunds

When purchasing the course via a one-time payment, you will have the right to request a refund within the first 30 days.

Refund requests should be sent to our support team by 11.59 PST on the 30th day after the purchase was made.

Excessive Refunds

We understand that sometimes the timing isn’t right, or perhaps the current iteration of our product isn’t for you. That shouldn’t stop you from returning at a later date.

However, please be aware that if we receive an excessive number of refunds or a high volume of refunds in a short space of time, we may restrict you from making future purchases of our products. If we believe that this is necessary, we will give you written notice beforehand. You will always be entitled to a refund per our terms, but you may not be able to purchase the course again in the future. 

You are welcome to appeal this decision via if you feel there was a reasonable excuse for excessive refunding, but please be aware that we cannot further discuss cases where a decision has been made and the final refund has been made.

This includes cases where you intentionally try to circumvent this restriction by using a different IP, account or payment card. Please be aware that we have sophisticated tracking software which will be able to identify this.

Refund Validity

We reserve the right to refuse a refund under any of, but not limited to, the following circumstances

Course Plagiarism

  • We have clear documented proof that you have misused, ripped, or otherwise tried to copy protected course content
  • We have clear evidence that you have taken part in a group buy scheme which hasn’t been pre-approved via our official support channel
  • We have clear evidence that you are using the course in any way which it was not intended.
  • If you are unsure of any of these terms, please contact

Community Etiquette

  • We have evidence that you have deliberately abused or attacked any of our members or team through our community channels such as Facebook, YouTube, or otherwise
  • We have evidence that you have repeatedly broken our Facebook group rules (except in extreme scenarios such as racism, sexism, law-breaking, etc. we will always warn you first and operate on a 2-strike policy towards group rule-breaking)
  • You act abusively towards our team via our official channels


All conflicts should be resolved through our official support channel. We will always review and action reasonable requests.

Even if you’re unsatisfied beyond the 30-day refund window, please contact us so that we can attempt to assist you to meet your expectations.

Please bear in mind that if you try to circumvent our 30-day refund policy by requesting a chargeback through your bank, this is considered to be “Chargeback-Fraud”. This is a process whereby a customer deliberately reports the transaction as fraudulent or that the item has not been delivered as expected in order to trigger a chargeback of funds.

If we find any member to have submitted a fraudulent chargeback case, we will cooperate fully with our payment processor to have the case discarded.

If you are dissatisfied with our product you have a generous 30-day period to request a refund through our official channels, and we will always oblige.

If you attempt to issue a fraudulent chargeback, you will be immediately banned from all of our platforms, and will not receive a refund.

Please be aware that submitting a fraudulent chargeback is punishable by law, and we advise you not to abuse this option unless you believe it is a legitimate claim and you have gone through our official channels.

Where should we send your Grooming Tools Guide?

We do not sell or share your information with anyone.